Introduction by Pastor Y.Kingston Paul
My father’s name is A.Yesumani. His native place is Palliyadi in K.K.District. My grandfather’s name is Ambrose. My grandmother’s name is Thangavadivu.My grandfather Ambrose had nine children.Six boys (1. A.Rajamani, 2. A.Manoharmani, 3. A.Thavamani, 4. A.Gunamani, 5. A.Yesumani, 6. A.Veeramani) and three girls (1. A.Chinthamani, 2. A.Thangamani, 3. A.Arulmani). My grandfather Ambrose hailed from a C.S.I family.
My father stayed with his parents till 17 years of age. From his childhood days onwards my father regularly participated in Sunday class and church service. He used to sit in the hill side of his native place and sing Christian songs. After completing his schooling he went to Bangalore. He worked in Bangalore for six years in Binny Mills. My father understood the will of God, accepted God’s calling and entered into God’s service by the leading of Holy Spirit and through the guidance of his elder brother Pastor A. Manoharmani. My father felt a strong calling from the Lord Jesus Christ for his life and began to preach and share the Christian gospel.As per the request of Pastor Manoharmani who was the founder of Apostolic Christian Perfecting Mission (ACPM), my father took responsibility in ACPM church at Avadi, Chennai. My father fasted there for 40 days. A crippled person was brought to the church at that time and my father who had been fasting for 40 days prayed and the Lord healed that crippled person. It was a great miracle. My father served in Avadi church for 3 years. My father also had fellowship with ACPM churches located in other districts and he was serving God as led by the Holy Spirit. According to the desire of his parent’s my father got married in Trivandrum in the year 1973. My mother’s name is L.Darly Bai. After marriage my father ministered unto the Lord at Utharamcode region in the Kanyakumari District and he was identified as a convention preacher. My father was speaking in convention meetings and he was ministering God like that in several places proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us now see the witnesses that are shared by sisters and brothers about the ministry of my father, Pastor A.Yesumani.