Witness shared by Pastor Y.Kingston Paul

Psalm 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”. God has been speaking to me through this verse. Here we read about death becomes so precious. Normally we say life is precious. But here death also becomes precious. Death of an ordinary person cannot be precious. If a man dies in sin his death cannot be precious in the sight of the Lord. But death of a saint is precious. We know our late Pastor A.Yesumani gone to be with the Lord. Truly we can say the death of this saint of God is precious in God’s sight. We have to receive from God that preciousness. It is only what we receive from God makes us precious. None of the things like our education, ability, beauty or fame make a person’s death precious.

In Psalms 49:8, 9 “For the redemption of their soul is precious”. If we are redeemed by the Lord, then we are really precious in God’s sight. How does our soul become precious through redemption? I Peter 1:19 “But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot”. Jesus paid his precious blood in order to redeem us. That shows value of our soul. That makes our soul really precious. In God’s sight our soul is so precious, that He gave high price, his only begotten son and that redemption is really precious. In the life of late Pastor, he valued that redemption even till the last moment of his life. That’s why he was concerned about the redemption of the perishing souls. Pastor prayed to God for the people who were devil possessed, sick, as well as for people affected by sorcery and witchcraft. People were healed, delivered and saved. Pastor valued the redemption of the souls.

In I Peter 1:23 we read that the word of God is incorruptible. The word of God is very precious. When we become incorruptible we become precious in the sight of God. Naturally we know we are corruptible beings. Even our body is corruptible. But the word of God is incorruptible. When we receive that word of God we also become incorruptible. We become very precious in the sight of the Lord. That’s why word of God says, all those things that we see is temporal. And they all are corruptible. But the things that we don’t see are incorruptible or eternal. When the word of God comes into us it gives us those things that are invisible. By that we become precious in the sight of the Lord. Our late Pastor was more concerned that everyone should spend more time with the word of God. In eternity the word of God will make us very precious. And our death also will become precious.

Another beautiful thing that makes us precious is the anointing God has given for us. II Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us”. This earthen vessel speaks about our body, but in this body God has put his anointing. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is coming to this body and that makes us very precious. Our body is corruptible, but because of God’s anointing upon our body, our body becomes precious. When we keep the anointing in us we know that we will have another body incorruptible. In many difficulties Pastor had the hope that God will give him another glorious body. Through this corruptible body he is able to gain another incorruptible body. That’s possible only through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Because of this anointing, as said in this verse power of God works in our lives. Saints of God don’t live by their own strength. They live through the power of God. Our late Pastor lived through the power of God.

In Psalm 133:1, 2 we read how the fellowship makes us precious in the sight of God. This fellowship comes in two forms. 1) It comes through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 2) It comes through the truth God has given to the Apostles. When we are united in the anointing and truth we are like one family and that makes us very precious. The word of God says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head”. The anointing of God has united us. In the same manner God has given us the truths of Apostles and we are united by that truth. When we are united in the truth we become very precious in the sight of God.

Calling given to the servant of God is very precious. Hebrews 5:4 “And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron”. Nobody taketh this honour to himself. Here it is said about Old Testament ministry. It is more applicable to New Testament ministry. Only if he is called like Aaron he can come into this ministry. Our late Pastor used to tell about the calling and how he came into the ministry. The day you receive the call you must live as servant of God. So this call is given by God. We must always honour the calling of God.

We should also know how God takes us through various trials in order to make us precious. The victory our late Pastor attained is able to help others. That’s why the word of God says that we must always remember those who were leading us. When we turn to Hebrews 13th chapter in verse 7 we read “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.” We are told to follow their faith. We are told to remember the words spoken by them. We are also told to consider the end of their life. We could able to see all these things in our beloved Pastor who left us. His words, faith and end became an example. So the end of the life proves what kind of a material or substance we are made of. Whether we are tried metal or whether we are metal which is very raw.

In Lamentation 4:1 these servants of God are compared to two things. They are compared to gold, fine gold. God want to make them as fine gold. “Stones of the sanctuary” speaks about the truth that leads us to the holiness and makes us fine gold. The truths of holiness make us fine gold in the sight of God. Our late Pastor has said that “Holiness should be the theme of our life”. So in the church altar Pastor chose to display the verse “for the Temple of God is Holy, which Temple you are”. In every aspect we must put holiness first. We must pray that we should have the same zeal for holiness. And the purpose of the truth is to lead us to holiness. That is called the stones of the sanctuary. We also see servants of God are called to be fine gold. What does this fine gold show? How much they are united with Jesus or we can call it as truth of Zion. Truth of Zion means you are united with Jesus. Every servant of God should be attached to Jesus and Jesus alone. Fine gold is a very character of Jesus. To get that character we must be attached with Jesus. That’s why God calls us and separates us. The same thing is mentioned in the 2nd verse. Those who are called for Zion are called precious sons of Zion. They become precious because they leave everything and Clive onto God.

When we keep the peace of God we are precious in the sight of God. Till the end of our life we have to keep the peace of God. When Jesus left this earth he left His own peace. John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you”. That is the treasure Jesus has given to us. God leads us through these experiences so that we will become very precious in His sight. We have to keep these experiences till the end of our life.

Word of God say, The Lord is coming to gather his precious Jewels (Malachi 3:17). And who are these precious Jewels? Those who have received precious experiences in their life from the Lord. We will meet Jesus Christ and the saints of God gone before us victoriously. God’s desire is that each one of us should be precious in His sight. So let us rededicate our lives to fulfill God’s desire. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Amen.

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